hat do you love about the law, Andrew? What I love the most about the law is that every now and again, not often, but occasionally, you get to be a part of just being done. That really is quite a thrill when that happens.
看完大结局和Finale after-show special已成泪狗 情节虽没有起步时跌宕起伏 第四季整体设计是聪明的 极乐之境之上的禅意平静才是最终归宿 即便如最后一集般泪点炸裂依然有招牌式的轻松明快机智笑点和视觉梗 Tahani的木匠活儿可是跟着Ron Swanson学的啊哈哈哈当真是宇宙无敌了 Jason的蠢萌有让人破涕为笑的魔力 读了很多书还是那么社会的Eleanor 变身自信版兼职挂历先生的Chidi 得以感受人类喜怒哀乐的Michael 和他们一起开启关合这么多道门 All good things must come to an end, but that's what makes them so brilliant. 给D'Arcy姐浓墨重彩比心 Janet太多场超强表演 人美高挑温柔的姐姐在采访时候听着toast的一行泪嗷嗷嗷!